Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Further Progress

By this time tomorrow the movers should be en route to our storage unit. Yikes! I'm making progress - all the kitchen cabinets are empty, Elynor's room is dismantled and the storage unit is ready to go - now it's on to our room and all the odds n' ends. Sending stuff to storage and separating out what we'll need in the next month adds a layer of complexity to things. Maybe someday we'll have a move where everything goes directly to the new place (we had a month in limbo last time too)? I keep thinking about our friends, the Wheeler's, who, this time last year, were also packing up... but they were putting things in storage and heading to London!

Anyhoo, thanks to some great babysitters (thanks mom & dad) and great friends loaning cars & giving boxes (thanks Ty & Laura), we're in great shape to move on to the next phase of this journey.

And lest you fear, it's not all work and no play here. We enjoyed our time sans-baby last night with a birthday celebration at De Cero and Cirque Du Soleil. Nice work Rye!

Phew - all the glass is packed!

Just one year ago this room anxiously awaited Elynor's arrival...

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