Saturday, November 10, 2007

Duct Tape Diaper

When changing Elynor's diaper today I accidentally pulled off one of the velcro pieces that holds it on. This happening immediately following an impromptu bath necessitated by a major blow-out in her previous diaper, I had no interest in messing around (no pun intended) with any defections. But her tightwad daddy would have nothing to do with tossing the defective diaper. Instead, he insisted I close the perfectly good (and expensive) diaper with a piece of duct tape. Phew! I'm so glad we didn't waste that $$, even if we do have to cut her out of this one.
Sorry for sharing this photo, darlin'! But we had to document your daddy's tightwaddedness.


Beth said...

This is a great story. I can't believe I didn't think of doing something like that with those tabless diapers.
Oh, by the way, great pumpkin cranberry muffins. You were so sweet to bring them over. Spencer enjoyed almost a whole one for a treat after lunch. Thanks!

Tracy Westrom said...

Uh. It's genetic's officially called "siira tightness" in our family.