Sunday, August 26, 2007

Some Fave Chi-town Restaurants

As most of you know, one of the Westy's fave pastimes is dining out around Chicago. Pending our mood or taste, this can range from a convenient pub in our own backyard to an exploratory journey across the city. We find inspiration in everything from friend's recommendations, specialist resources like Chicago Chowhounds or LTH Forum, or even a menu stuffed in our mailbox.

Over our 5-ish years in Chi-town, we've developed a nice list of faves. In a city with so many choices, how does a restaurant become a fave, you ask?

For us, (not exactly culinary experts, but up for trying anything once), it's really a combination of things. Rationally, it's the menu offered, food's taste, setting, service, and price. But it's probably the emotional drivers that really get something on the list. Does the spot consistently deliver? What were/are our expectations when we go there? Do we love the place's story/people? Do we always go there for a particular occasion/with special people?

All things considered, we share our list of faves (in the list section at this page's right) for you to check-out/enjoy. It's always growing, so check back often. And let us know, what are your faves?

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