Wednesday, July 2, 2008


If you don't regularly check out our friends' blogs linked on this site, then I encourage you to take a few minutes to visit Lil Monkey Days. Our friends Jason, Roxanne, and their little girl, Annikah (approx. 1 year older than Elynor) have just departed on an adventure of a lifetime. They bid farewell to their home (and most of their belongings) here in Chicago to become missionaries on the islands of Tanzania. For those who, like me, are geography challenged, these islands are in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Tanzania, a country on the east coast of Africa.

Ryan & Jason were college roomies and we were involved in the same campus church with both Jason & Roxanne down at U of I. It's really inspiring to watch them answer God's calling on their lives and is exciting to live vicariously through them via their blog! Please join with us in praying for their transition to African life. While Chicago's Roger's Park is a fairly diverse neighborhood, I still think some culture shock is in their future.

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