Saturday, July 26, 2008

On Not Complaining

I'm supposed to be working right now, but I just have to direct your attention to the thoughts from our friends at Lil Monkey Days.

As you may recall from my previous post, Jason, Roxanne & Annikah have recently moved to Africa to serve as missionaries. Their latest blog post on Not Complaining served as a great reminder for me. I have been known to have a bad attitude when things don't meet my expectations or are outside my comfort zone. Yea, times like hiking the Inca Trail in the cold rain come to mind... but it doesn't even have to be that extreme. Goodness, I'm not thrilled to be sitting here working on a Saturday morning. It just seems my default can be to have a spirit of discontent that is manifested in complaining or grumbling. But as Roxanne reminds us, God commands us to do everything without complaining. Wow! Everything?! That's a tall order that can surely only be achieved through the Holy Spirit's work in our lives. Cuz I know it's not of my nature.

So whether you're a muddy mess walking the streets of Africa or changing a diaper in Chicago.... and everywhere in between... your challenge - no, your command - is no complaining!

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

hey! I finally can leave comment son other's blogs :) Internet in Kenya is rough at times but no complaints out of me :) Elynor is too cute these days, your blog makes me miss chicago (and Mexican food)!! Congrats on your new place- praying the move goes well!