Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Whatever you do...

In small group we've been studying Colossians 3:17:
Whatever you do, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
This verse has challenged me during many seasons of my life... and this is no exception. In the past the message has usually applied to my school work or job. Today it pierces my heart for my new role as mom.

The words 'whatever' and 'all' are tremendous challenges. Nothing is exempt from this command. In thinking about this, I made a list of verbs describing the many things my days are now filled with. All of them relate to caring for Elynor:
Feeding, changing, holding, rocking, bouncing, dressing, cleaning, comforting, caring, driving, playing, singing, reading, bathing....
The Holy Spirit has really challenged me. Do I do all of these things... as trivial and/or mundane as they may feel... in the name of the Lord, with thanksgiving? I have been called to be Elynor's mama. God has gifted her to me (and Ryan) to serve. I pray that I live out this new role with the same spirit I have approached many others. I pray that I may serve her (in all the associated verbs) in the name of the Lord, with thanksgiving.

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