Because Elynor's blood sugars were lower than we'd like in the hours following her birth she spent her first 36-ish hours in the special care nursery with regular bottle feeds and blood sugar checks. This meant her daddy spent this time making runs between the 11th floor to care for her recovering mommy and the 3rd floor to feed and care for Elynor. Praise God! Her body took over and she began to regulate her own blood sugars by Friday morning (9/14) and she joined us in our room around 3pm that day.
Since then, we've been getting to know her and also attempting to transition her from the bottle feeding she received in the special care nursery to breast feeding. Without going into too much detail, I'll just say this process is a little bit tricky, and requires her mommy and daddy to work as a tag-team with every feeding (translation = both receiving little sleep).
As of this writing (a little under 4-days into Elynor's life), I'm recovering nicely from the C-section and Ryan & I are taking in the beauty of each new experience, supporting one another with patience, laughter, tears, and a continued awe at this miracle of life. We're on our way home today, and the adventure will continue...
Without further ado, here are a few more photos. We'll do our best to keep posting as we continue to get the hang of this parenting gig!
Hello beautiful Elynor Aline! Welcome to this world :) Congrats Sarah and Ryan! This is the great adventure. Good luck getting into your groove during these first few days at home. And thanks so much for keeping us updated with the latest happenings and pix. We're sending love and best wishes your way!!!
That is come crazy hair!! :) Congrats and welcome to Elynor. I have never seen a baby blessed with so much hair. She looks beautiful - hopefully she'll get to keep it all! Post pics when you can, but be sure rest is your top priority! Good luck with parenthood!
What a blessing! Congrats Ryan & Sarah. She is absolutely beautiful and her hair is incredible! I love it! We wish you both the best in this new role. We know you will be the best! Looking for to more updates.
The Morrisons
What a cutie! I showed Kylee a picture of her future college roommate (it's meant to be) and she said "Bubba" - this from a kid who can actually say baby, but in this circumstance chose Bubba! :)
Oh she is so sweet. Congratulations!!!!!!
Ryan & Sarah,
Congratulations! Take this time to thank God for this great blessing in your life. I'm glad to see that everyone is happy and healthy. And when you get a chance, keep the pics coming. It definitely makes the reality of this addition to your family come to life!
Congrats, Sarah and Ryan! Glad to see mom and baby both looking great and surrounded by such an excited and loving family! Love, prayers and blessings,
Lisa & Tony
what a cutie! Thanks for sharing pictures and news with all of us! I've been checking your blog every time I walk by the computer :) Hope you can get some good rest and family time.
love, jessica and justin
Aww, she has hair like her Aunt Erin! She is such a cutie...and I can see the Cochrane coming out in her already. Congrats!
That hair!! WOW! Anni is already jealous :) Congrats you two! Praying fo ryou these ealry days! Sarah, if you need any breastfeeding backup- holla at me! We had a rough go of it but all worked out!
What a chubby cutie!! Chubby babies are the best (we speak from experience) :) Glad to hear your recovery is going well so far. She's just beautiful, and you both will be wonderful parents!
Love Tim and Sally
congratulations! i followed the link from roxanne's blog and was so excited to hear the news! so glad to hear that everyone is healthy and home now - yeah! hope the transition is smooth and full of joy! love, annalea, jesse, luca, and gia
Oh my goodness, adorable! Brent says congratulations :) We just welcome number 2, Blake Elijah on June 5th. He is all of 16 1/2 pounds now (started 7lb 11oz). She is absolutely adorable! Our blog is Love, The Warner's (Brent, Courtney, Claire, and Blake)
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